Call Toll Free (888) 976-4581

Assured Quality Services

Auto car locksmiths offer an array of services for their customer.  We provide some main servings like:


  • Lock repair:  one of the main jobs of a locksmith is repairing lock. If your old lock is giving you trouble then it can be repaired by us and it will work easier and better than earlier.
  • New Lock Setup: If you are fed up with your old lock then we can provide you a new lock and install that lock at your home or office. This service comes under our home visit which cost just $15.
  • Emergency lockout service:  If you are trapped inside your car or home just because you have lost your keys then our 24×7 emergency services will help you out.
  • File cabinet locks: People usually put their important things in cabinets and the security of these cabinets is must. We provide better lock system for file cabinets.


We offer our courtesies 24 hours and in case of crises, our locksmiths will reach you to you within 15 minutes. Some other services offered by us are High security locks, Lock Re-key, Master Key setup, car lock repairs, ignition locks repair,   high security suggestions and many more.